Category Archives: Oil

What Next for Venezuela?

What are the possible outcomes of a potential recovery in Venezuela, and what is the timeframe. How does Venezuela’s crisis compare to previous crises of neighboring Latam countries Continue reading

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Emerging Markets: 30 Years of Crisis. Part 1: The 1980s

The recent news of Argentina’s deal with holdout hedge funds has prompted me to put together a three-part series on Emerging Markets, and analyze this crises-laden asset class. Enjoy! Continue reading

Posted in Bonds, Currencies, Economy, Emerging Markets, Foreign Trade, Oil, Stocks | Tagged , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

The Crude Reality. Part 2

Low demand generates lower prices, but this seems not to affect supply. The case where the laws of supply and demand ceased to function Continue reading

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The Crude Reality. Part 1

Low crude oil prices drive prices of everyday goods lower and put disposable income in the hands of the public. But there is a flip side. Continue reading

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