Tag Archives: UK

Shifts in the Car Industry

Why are so many shifts in the global car industry happening. Are tariffs the sole culprits? Is Brexit to blame? Continue reading

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There Will Always be War

How does the German ban on arms sales to Saudi Arabia play out with the major weapons manufacturers around the world. Who are the winners, and who is clearly the big loser. Continue reading

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Why “No Deal” Is Key

Should the UK walk away from the table if the Brexit negotiations go south? Some people think no, and they are gaining support. Continue reading

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Nothing is Agreed

With less than 3 months to go before Britain leaves the EU, everything is sorted: Laws have been repatriated, trade deals with the rest of the world are ready to be signed, the legal status of the EU citizens residing in the UK as well as that of UK citizens living in the EU has been clarified, the Irish border issue has been resolved, the City of London’s situation has been negotiated, the sea borders at Dover are ready to do streamlined inspections at a large scale, and the British government along with the opposition are agreeing on what is best for the country, putting all partisan squabbles to one side… NOT! Continue reading

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A Guide to Brexiting

What is so hard about getting out of the EU? Politicians and bureaucrats have a knack to overcomplicate things, and as a consequence the public suffers. Read my guide to Brexiting, where you will see the simple steps to follow if you want to brexit. Continue reading

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20 Billion, 100 Billion, or more?

Is Britain really “divorcing” the EU? Should we change the rhetoric to manage expectations about the payments at the time of Brexit? Continue reading

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How much (or little) have you followed the Brexit developments? Do you know the difference between hard and soft Brexit? or do you just need some brushing up? Continue reading

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Does the Bull Have Legs?

The Barker Report is back, read the first post since 2016. A look back at 2017, the reasons behind the bull market, and whether it can be sustained in 2018 Continue reading

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Brexit, Schmexit! Part 4: Europe

Having analyzed the effects of Brexit on the UK economy; with just a few hours before the vote, let’s now take a look at the effects on Europe Continue reading

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Brexit, Schmexit! Part 3: The Economy

Leave is ahead in the polls with little over a week to go. Let’s explore the 350 million pounds and sovereignty issues around the campaign Continue reading

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